一棟貸しの宿 日本色へようこそ。



岩﨑 大Dai Iwazaki 日本

日本色・LA PALETTEチーフマネージャー Nihon Iro / La Palette Chief Manager

対応可能言語 / 日本語Language / Japanese

「日本色」「LA PALETTE」の事業全体の業務を担当しております。
My name is Iwazaki, born in Shizuoka city and father of one child.
I have worked in the bridal industry for about 12 years. I was involved in a variety of tasks as part of making other's "once in a lifetime" dream into reality.
I joined CSA travel Co., Ltd. in April 2022.
I am in charge of all the businesses "Nihon Iro" and "LA PALETTE".
My hobby is billiards, which I have been playing since 10 years old. Through experiencing many performances on national stages, I have developed patience and concentration.
At CSA travel, we will continue to pursue "Japanese hospitality" so that you can have wonderful memories that will remain forever.

ベナリ ネスリンNesrine Benali Nesrine

日本色マネージャーNihon Iro Manager

対応可能言語 / 日本語・フランス語・英語Language / Japanese, French, English

アルジェリア系フランス人のネスリンと申します。 フランスとアルジェリアの2つの文化を受け継いでいるので、オープンマインドな性格から世界についてもっと知りたいと思っていました。 そのため、子供の頃から日本に興味を持ち始め、日本へ行く事を目指しました。

初めての来日で東京でも京都でもなく静岡に来たのは偶然でしたが、富士山を(ほぼ)どこからでも見られる事にとても感動しました。 また、静岡市の街や人々の穏やかな雰囲気が私の故郷を思い出させてくれたので、すぐにこの街が大好きになりました。

街中の賑やかさと山や海の静けさ、そして市民の親しみやすさが完璧に調和しているので、静岡市はとても快適で住みやすいです。 全国、全世界のたくさんの方々に静岡市の魅力を知っていただけるよう、この素晴らしい場所を促進するために、CSA travelに入社をさせていただきました。

My name is Nesrine, Algerian born in France. As I inherited two cultures, I am open-minded, which made me curious about the world and what it can offer. That's how I started being interested in Japan when I was a teenager and since then, I had only one thing in mind: travel there. It's totally by chance, to complete an internship for my International Business Degree, that I came to Shizuoka, city in which we can admire Mount Fuji at (almost) every corner.

The perfect mix of the busy streets of the center of the city and the quietness of some neighborhoods like Mochimune, as well as the seaside and the friendliness of the inhabitants make living in Shizuoka so pleasant and easy. There are so many tourists that don't know about Shizuoka, whose peaceful atmosphere reminds me of my hometown back in France, and that's to promote this wonderful place at the foot of Mount Fuji that I joined CSA travel.

Je m'appelle Nesrine, Française d'origine Algérienne. Ayant hérité de deux cultures dès ma naissance, l'ouverture d'esprit qui en découle m'a poussé à m'intéresser au monde et à ce qu'il a à offrir. C'est comme ça que je me suis prise d'intérêt pour le Japon à l'adolescence, à tel point que je n'avais qu'une idée en tête : y voyager. C'est par pur hasard, afin d'effectuer un stage pour ma formation de BTS Commerce International que je suis arrivée à Shizuoka, ville où l'on peut admirer le Mont Fuji à (quasiment) chaque coin de rue.

Le mélange des rues animées du centre-ville et de la tranquillité de certains quartiers, comme Mochimune, ainsi que le bord de mer et la gentillesse des habitants rendent Shizuoka agréable à vivre. Tant de touristes passent à côté de cette ville, dont l'atmosphère paisible me rappelle l'endroit où j'ai grandi en France et c'est afin de promouvoir ce merveilleux endroit au pied du Mont Fuji que j'ai intégré CSA travel.

若杉 明典Akinori Wakasugi japan

日本色サブマネージャーNihon Iro Sub Manager

対応可能言語 / 日本語Language / Japanese

行けば行くほど好きになる静岡の魅力に惹かれて愛知県から移住してきました若杉です。 大学を卒業後に三重県で約3年と愛知県で約3年ほど旅館で働いていました。 静岡県には旅行で何度か訪れていましたが、その度に自然や街並みや食べ物など、静岡の魅力に触れて移住を決めました。 これから先も、もっと沢山の静岡の良いところを知り、日本色を通じて多くの方と共有していきたいです。
I'm Wakasugi, who moved from Aichi prefecture because I was attracted to the charm of Shizuoka, which I loved the more I went. After graduating from university, I worked at a hotel for about 3 years in Mie prefecture and about 3 years in Aichi prefecture. I have visited Shizuoka prefecture several times and I decided to move because of the many charms of Shizuoka such as nature, cityscape and food. From now on, I would like to know more about the good points of Shizuoka and share it with many people through Nihon Iro.

ピユミ ラクシカ Piyumi Lakshika スリランカ

対応可能言語 / 日本語・英語・シンハラ語 Language / Japanese, English, Sinhalese





I was born in Sri Lanka and came to Japan to study abroad.

I have been studying Japanese since I was a high school student in Sri Lanka. After graduating from a Japanese language school and an international business vocational school in Japan, I was able to work as a full-time employee.

I love Shizuoka and I am living a happy life there. I am communicate with not only Japanese customers but also foreign customers as well.

මම ලංකාවේ ඉපදිලා ජපානයට ආවේ වැඩිදුර ඉගෙන ගන්න.

මම ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ උසස් පෙළ ශිෂ්‍යයකු වූ කාලයේ සිටම ජපන් භාෂාව ඉගෙන ගත්තෙමි. ජපන් භාෂා පාසලකින් සහ ජපානයේ ජාත්‍යන්තර ව්‍යාපාරික වෘත්තීය පාසලකින් උපාධිය ලැබීමෙන් පසු මට පූර්ණ කාලීන සේවකයෙකු ලෙස වැඩකිරීමට හැකි විය.

මම Shizuoka වලට ආදරය කරන අතර මම එහි ප්‍රීතිමත් ජීවිතයක් ගත කරමි. ජපන් සේවාදායකයන් පමණක් නොව විදේශිකයන් සමඟද සන්නිවේදනය කරමින් ආසාවෙන් රැකියාවේ නිරත වෙමි..

